

My name is Aubrey Honer and after having my daughter, Elliott, my purpose in life has changed. Frankly, I'm not sure what that purpose is just yet but I know it has to do with the following: 

Improve the way society interacts with people who are different than themselves - helping people find comfort in being a little uncomfortable. 

Remove barriers and stigmas blocking people who are differently-abled from becoming their best selves - stop limiting the abilities of someone with a disability.

Do my part to make the world a more open-minded, open-hearted and kinder place to dwell - regardless of your chromosome count. 

Make certain Ellie knows (with certainty) that she is capable, worthy, and loved beyond measure.

Until that purpose is confirmed, and likely beyond it's confirmation, my motto is - 

aspire to inspire

Thank you for reading our story.  I am honored you are here. 
